Yep, I can't believe it: only two weeks and two days to go until little Beck will be here! So, all you mothers out there, and all you future mothers who probably know a lot more than I do--any advice? We didn't take any birthing classes (a million and one scheduling conflicts), although I have been reading a lot in books and such. But any advice on preparing for labor, labor itself, nursing, or motherhood in general would be definitely welcome and appreciated! :)
p.s. I've been a blogging slacker lately, but hopefully will do better this week! Hope you are all doing great!
The firsts of January
2 days ago
Kathryn you and Adam will be great patents! Some good advice that I can give you for Labor is try to relax. Bring your own pillow and your own comfort things, I brought my laptop :). If you do an epidural (I HIGHLY SUGGEST IT!!!!) just rest and enjoy it! I didn't really progress until I had my epidural and I slept from 5 cm to 10cm. Let people help you too afterwards K, that includes me young lady. Can you plan on me bringing dinner to you on the 3rd or something that works for you (i can bring it before you have him too, and you can freeze it)? I would love to help. Can't wait to meet him. You better post lots of pics once he comes. The other Beck(ett) wants to meet him.
Kathryn I am so excited for you and Adam! Having a little one around is wonderful! As for advice, I will say that my advice goes for labor, breastfeeding, and feeling exhausted for those first weeks: Take everything one minute at a time. During labor, just focus on each contraction, don't worry about the next one to come. And I would also say if you do get the epidural (I did, and LOVED it!) then just take the time to be in the moment and such. Also, to remember that YOU are the one that is in labor. So don't be afraid to stand your ground if anyone (nurses, etc...) try to bully you or you don't feel like they are telling you enough...
And take nursing just one feeding at a time. It can be difficult at times, but you just have to push forward and it will get easier!
Phew, I think I just wrote a novel. I really hope things go well! Can't wait to see pictures and hear about your delivery! Good Luck!
Hey Don't worry I didn't any birthing classes and they both came out just fine, My only advice for Labor is just relax. I know crazy right? With London I totally didn't becuase I was so nervouse but with Miles I was so relaxed and didnt' feel anything without a epideral. I know the spellings wrong, let us know if you need anything. Love ya guys, good luck. We want to come and visit.
I just sent you the video I was taking to you about to your email.
You'll do great! We never took the labor & delivery class either. You have your own personal nurse staff while in labor so they are there to point you in the right direction anyway. (I think the class is a waste of time and money, personally - very outdated.) No class can ever prepare you, it's just something you have to experience because laboring is different for everyone. :o)
Oh, and it doesn't hurt as bad as you may be worrying (maybe unless he's breech or posterior like Dean was - OUCH!). Good luck. It's so exciting to finally have him and truthfully, you could go anytime now. I have never made it as far as you are.
Hey Kathryn... I was just blog hopping and found your blog! How are you? Congrats on the baby and good luck. If I had a kid I would give you advice but I don't. I guess being married makes your husband like your kid... so from that experience, patience is my advice, a lot of patience both with your new child and for your husband :)
We have a blog too,
Bring chocolate
Kathryn, I highly recommend the epidural too. Nothing really prepares you for labor until you go through it I think personally. You will do fine though I'm sure. Breastfeeding is hard, way harder than you may think it is. You'll be in some pain for probably a good 2 weeks. I'm still sore but getting better cuz she is latching correctly. After labor take it easy, even if you feel great. And Take lots of baths!! It helps! Get your rest too!! Good luck!
Definitely loved the epidural! It took me thirteen hours to get to a three and then I finally got an epidural. So, having experience both with and without I have to say with is better! The shot didn't hurt at all and I didn't go completely numb. I could still feel the contractions, they just didn't hurt! It was wonderful! As for after the baby comes... sleep when the baby sleeps... I'm not kidding! You will probably have a ton of people visiting you, but don't be afraid to tell them that you need your rest. They'll understand. Also, Parker was not very good at nursing at first. Nursing guards are the best! They helped me from getting too sore. Okay, enough with the advice... everyone is different with how they like to do things. I'm sure you'll do great! I look forward to seeing pictures of cute little Beck!
hey! i bet you're excited, my only advice is to sleep as much as possible until you give birth. my son came 2 weeks before his due date. (actually 13 days early) But for labor my advice, that would be very obvious, if your water breaks you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, and do not ask your husband if he wants to take a shower before you leave. =) I put myself through some unnecessary and excruciating labor pains because I ended up having a c-section because my son was transverse (sideways)
I totally agree about those nursing guards. I used one for the first month and it saved me. The only other thing I have to say to add to everything is to expect it to take a long time to heal. I didn't realize how long it would take (but maybe it took longer for me since I had a 9 pounder). Take it slow and easy! You'll be such a great mom Kathryn!
Kathryn - I have a mini labor class thing on dvd if you are interested. give me a call (7262)! and regardless - you're going to be great!
Kathryn, I can't believe you're so close! Time flies! My advice- don't have too many expectations. Every labor/child is different. If something doesn't happen that you expected to, no worries! If something happens that you didn't expect, roll with that!
I can tell you I was a major worrier about everything as time came close. However, I really shouldn't have worried so much because everything just came so naturally. As I'm sure you and Adam will be too, parenting (as in knowing what to do in certain situations)will come so naturally. Nobody will know your baby as well as you do. So I guess one of my advice is don't let others influence your decisions on for example how warm or cold you'll dress your baby, what cry means what, breastfeeding, etc...As far as the above goes, try not to stress too much because that can diminish the milk supply. Oh and at the hospital make sure that if you do plan on breastfeeding to tell the nurses and staff about that as well as not giving Beck a pacifier. I know I forgot and one of my nurses gave her one on day 2 (when I was planning to hold off until breastfeeding got established). Another thing I do regret is not holding off longer with the whole beginning of nursing, since Maddie got pretty used to taking a bottle even in the hospital,we never really got nursing down and she had to quite after about 4 months. And as for labor, I too would recommend an epidural, at least for the first time when you don't know what to expect. For real contractions will definitely be noticeable. Sorry, I don't mean to scare you, but getting an epidural as soon as possible is definitely worth it. It's also of course different for every woman, but I didn't even feel any pain while they inserted the catheter, just a little pinch when the anesthesiologist numbed the area. Anyway, if you have any questions whatsoever feel free to give me a call and I'd be happy to even speak in person or help with anything you need help with. I know the last couple weeks are the hardest physically, as well as emotionally. Lastly, you guys will be awesome parents and I know the best advice or spiritual uplifting one can be given is through the power of prayer. Hope all is well, we miss you tons and keep in touch.
Here's my advice: eat something before you get to the hospital b/c once you get into labor and everything they'll only give you water and ice chips. I was starving! And the epidural was a life saver for me! Don't feel bad if you want the nursery to take him a few hours so you can sleep, and stay at the hospital as long as insurance lets you. I was there for 2 days and felt a lot more confident when we finally went home. Accept any help, take lots of pictures, and remember that labor is pain with a purpose. Good luck! I had Jesse when I was 38 weeks. Try to enjoy each experience and after you have him, celebrate!
Well just barely having a baby I have some advise...don't hesitate to go to the hospital when you START having contractions. I waited until they were three minutes apart and when I finally got to the hospital I was almost dialated at a seven. Which would have been fine if I wanted to have the baby naturally, but I really wanted an epidural.
I'm afraid I don't know much about nursing though...this is my first time doing that, so we'll both learn.
The nurses at the hospital help out a lot too...don't be affraid to ask them questions!
Also, get as much sleep as you can at the hospital because after a week or so, sleep becomes pretty scarse. :)
Well I hope everything goes well...I'm so excited for you guys. Good luck with everything!
I just found this post and have read all the comments. They're great! Something I found very helpful was to have a blessing before we went to the hospital. I was so scared even though I am a nurse! Crazy I know! After Devin gave me the blessing, I felt much better about things even though I had no idea how it would all be. The peace helped me be calm and trust that the Lord would help me through this difficult yet amazing time! Do what feels good for you and Adam. As a patient and new mom, YOU are in control. Let your wishes be known. Enjoy every moment! They grow much too fast! Good luck!
Sleep, sleep, sleep before you go into labor. You never know when little Beck is going to decide to make his arrival (middle of the night?) Don't waste any energy trying to make yourself go into labor. It's out of your control=). Relax, have fun, bring the video camera along to preserve those first cries. Hailey loves to see pictures of herself covered in green poo. It makes her laugh!As far as nursing, make the lactation consultant your best friend even after you leave the hospital. If there is a breast feeding support group here, I highly recommend it, they are invaluable. They help you one on one and can even help you through the baby blues if you happen to get those. Good luck!
wow you are so close, how exciting!!!! I too got an epidural and loved it! I agree with trying to sleep as much as possible before the baby comes, though I never did because I was too excited. For after Beck comes I recommend that you put diaper rash cream on his bottom each time he has a BM and that should prevent him ever getting a diaper rash. At least that has worked with my boys. Good luck! YOu will make a wonderful mother!
First of all Beck is such a cute name! Good luck with everything! The nurses in the Labor and Delivery are great, they will definitely take great care of you! My advice is to let the nurses take the baby for you in the night so you can get some sleep while you are at the hospital. When I had Gracee I was too nervous to let her out of my site and I didn't get much rest in the hospital. However when I had Emme I let them take her to the nurses station at night and just bring her to me when she was hungry which equaled a much more rested me to go home!
Anyway I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy!
You guys will be so amazing! I see you've gotten tons of good advice, so I'll just say this: be sure that Adam also knows what to expect. I think that that was the biggest thing that I appreciated out of the birthing class. I had read tons of stuff, but doing the class with Robert reassured me that he wouldn't be shocked either. So, knowing Adam, he's probably been reading up too, but things are a lot easier when you both kindof know what's going on. You'll do great. Hopefully we'll see you in the hospital soon!!
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