Beck is 8 months old today! I really can't believe it. He is more cute and fun every day. He is getting so grown up, and feels like a little best friend to me and not just a baby, ya know? He is so funny, and cute, and squishy, and so happy. I'm sorry I haven't given a "milestones" update recently; here are a few things Beck's up to lately:
--says Mama, Dadda and nanananana for "no"; I was pretty skeptical that he actually associated what these words were, but especially just the last few days, he says them at the perfect/appropriate times, so I'm pretty convinced!
--army-crawls really well now
--makes all sorts of noises, including raspberries, cute "ooooohs", grunts, and trilling (like with Spanish r's)
--sits up really well
--is starting to get down the "pincer" grasp, where they pick up little things with their thumb and pointer-finger, which is adorable!
--still is a bad sleeper, but I guess nobody's perfect :)
--weighs about 23 pounds (weighed 20 @ 6-month appt.) and is getting really tall!
--reaches out for people, which is soooo cute
--is getting four more bottom teeth within the next week or so, we're pretty sure
--loves drinking from straws and cups, but not sippy cups
--very cuddly, especially when he's sleepy, and he'll just hug/hold on--so cute!
--is still pure energy
--loves everybody, and is pretty much loved by everybody too!
A couple cute videos:
Beck's latest noises
Beck army-crawling
This is from more than a week ago, so he's gotten even better since then!
Christmas Card I-Spy
4 weeks ago
You are so lucky to truly have such a cute little boy! And I'm not just saying that either. :)
How cute!! Dallin watched it and thought it was Tanner.
he's so stinkin adorable!
He is so cute! I wish I were still there to see him in person! Kiley could use a friend her age. :)
That first picture really makes him look like a little boy and not just a baby:) Super cute!!!
He is cute! I can't believe he has teeth already :) He looks so old in the pictures! Enjoy him!
HE is getting so big!! I love his cute smile!
He looks so old now. So adorable!!!
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